Friday, October 21, 2011

FarmVille: New Cranberry Sauce crafting recipe celebrates fall

If you've been looking for more recipes to craft inside your Lighthouse Cove Restaurant in FarmVille, here's one for you: a new, limited edition recipe has been added to the Restaurant this week, taking advantage of plenty of Cranberries. The recipe is one you'll be seeing a lot of in the future weeks and months, both in the in-game world and in the real world, thanks to holidays: Cranberry Sauce.

For this virtual version, you'll now have access to the recipe which starts at level one, but is only available to craft for the next 16 days. It takes three Cove Cranberry, three regular Cranberry and two Dill bushels for each Cranberry Sauce you'd like to craft. From there, it's the same process as always - waiting six hours for it to finish crafting, and then coming back in later to actually "complete" the process. As you craft the recipe more and more, you'll level it up.

Remember though, while other recipes require far more crafting to master, this one simply requires you to get to level 20 for the entire thing. At level 20, you'll not only walk away with the expected crafting recipe mastery sign, but it will come complete with all five stars to boot! Again, this is a limited time recipe, so you'll definitely have to put forth plenty of effort to unlock that mastery sign, but if you do, you'll be able to share it proudly knowing that those who miss out might never have a chance at it again. Want to be in on the action? Make sure to start crafting as soon as you can!

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