Saturday, August 20, 2011

FarmVille: Third 'New Hampshire' farm may have these unreleased crops

Here's some exciting news, farmers! While we still haven't heard any official confirmation that FarmVille will be receiving a new, third farm (that is, in addition to our Home Farms, and that in the English Countryside), the rumors surrounding the New Hampshire / New England inspired farm have just gained a little more validity thanks to some unreleased crop images spotted by FarmVille Freak.

These images may look like a set of ordinary crops and mastery signs, but we'll take a closer look at them after this list:

  • American Cranberry
  • Chandler Blueberry
  • Darrow Blackberry
  • Butter and Sugar Corn
  • Dandelion
  • Kennebec Potatoes
  • Dill
  • Hay
  • Tarragon

Here's a connection to get the ground rolling: Butter and Sugar Corn is one of the most popular varieties of corn in and around New Hampshire. For another, Kennebec Potatoes may be a great potato for home gardeners across the US, but they grow particularly well in the soil of Maine, making them popular in the state. An even clearer connection can be made when looking at the American Cranberry, which grows throughout the New England area, but rarely further south than North Carolina.

Can we pick out distinct connections between each of these crops and the New England area? Some might be harder to find than others, but I'm willing to make an educated guess that they'll all release at once. It's not everyday that we see this many crops, complete with mastery signs, being spotted in the game, especially in an otherwise limited edition capacity, so it only makes sense that they would be connected with the supposed release of a third farm.

We won't go out on a limb and guarantee anything at this point, so please remember that this is just speculation. Still, it doesn't hurt to get just a little excited, does it? We'll make sure to give you any other details concerning these crops or a third farm as we know more.

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