Saturday, July 9, 2011

Zynga spices FarmVille up with limited edition Habanero Chili crop

Since the Mexico theme has arrived in FarmVille, the Market has certainly heated up--caliente!--with a slew of new animals, decorations and more.

But Zynga just turned it up to 11 with this new limited edition crop, the Habanero Chili. And, get this, it doesn't require a Farm Cash license. (You can applaud now.)

The Habanero Chili costs just 50 Coins and, after eight hours, the crop will ripen and sell for 110 Coins and 1 XP. The crop has full Mastery, though it's doubtful unsure whether Bushels can be made from it.

However, you only have the next 21 days to master it, so get started now if you want that big old Chili sign. And don't get too confident now that you've planted them digitally--unless you can do without taste buds.

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