For once, I'm actually excited about something that Zynga looks to be releasing in
FarmVille in the near future (that is, something that will cost real world money).
FVNation has spotted images of items called "Bounty Packs," which are bundles of items including Farm Cash, coins, trees and even animals that normally cost quite a few real world dollars when purchased separately, but can be bundled together for a fairly large discount.
We're not sure if these bundles are slowly rolling out, or if this is all just speculation on Zynga's part (trying to find numbers they like), but there are (as of this writing) three presumed packages that we know about. All three contain a Dogwood Tree, Ribbon Flower Tree and what looks like a Black Gypsy Horse, while the differences come in the amount of coins and Farm Cash you earn, along with the price.
For just $2, you'll earn the three items above, along with 8 Farm Cash and 3,000 coins. When keeping in mind the prices that you'd pay for the two trees (5 and 7 Farm Cash each, if the Ribbon Flower tree isn't the giant) and the Horse (26 Farm Cash), that's far more than an 8 Farm Cash or even $2 value. Zynga actually claims the value is $14, if you're curious. Going from there, a $5 pack comes with 25 Farm Cash and 7,500 coins (an $18 value), while a final pack costs $19 and offers you $45 of goodies, including 110 Farm Cash and 320,000 coins.
You know, I've never actually purchased coins in FarmVille before, and normally reserve all of my Farm Cash shopping sprees for when Farm Cash is 50% off, but if these bundles are released as we see here, I just might have to break that streak. Will you join me?
Note: All of these Bounty Packs look to still be unreleased, so they're stats and contents could change at any time.