Friday, May 1, 2015

Facebook Games: Farmville Guidelines, Cheats And Tricks By Zinga

Here is a record of the numerous actions that will help you to make your way through the high levels of Farmville by Zinga, this thrilling game that all geeks and average Joe and Jane at Facebook are talking so much about. So come and let’s see how you can develop your gaming skills.
I’ve been playing Farmville by Zinga over the last couple of weeks and even though I was ok at the start, advancing a pair of levels, it was not until I used this cheats and actions when I actually master my act.
Personally I’m not a great fan of these games where you just gather things and wait what happens. It never has got me that much achievement on opposition to the first person shooting games. But I never could had projected that Farmville by Zinga enthralled my interest and time so much. Maybe, and most possibly, has to do with the fact that I have hundreds of acquaintances on Facebook and almost 20% of them is playing this game… so, the Battle Spine surface, and I always would like to win, I mean, I would like to strike all these folks!
So, here are some things that I’ve figured and some actions that I took from others:
Having more neighbors is fantastic, not only because you won’t be on your own anymore on the farmhouse but because they help you out in several everyday jobs like collecting leaves, avoid your plants to be eaten, and all this will provide you more cash, gain favors and get more for it, and so on.

Exchanging assistance with your acquaintances is a chore that also gives you more points.
Don’t use much decorations. Every now and then you would like to expand the size of your farm and this garland steals space and you can’t end these proceedings. I mean, you won’t discern where to leave them. I propose that you make your farm big enough to start to consider getting any decoration.
Worst thing about decorations is that they facilitate you out on your ranch but they won’t grant you much funds if you make a decision to sell them. You can buy one decoration, say a Whitewash Barrier for $500 and get only $25 if you sell it.
Rabbit skin is a winner, you get $60 every time you sell that skin. Actually it gives you twice the cash you receive from a sheep skin ($28).
You guys get $8 bucks when you accumulate Hen eggs and $6 bucks when you milk your cow, lol.
There are some more sophisticated cheats and actions that I’ll be sharing with you soon. This post was only for you to know what to have and want to don’t have in your ranch, but there are other tricks that truly gives you money.
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Facebook users find plenty of joy in Farmville

I have won ribbons for being a Green Thumb, a Tree Hugger, a Crop Whisperer and Cream of the Crop.
I've harvested perfect bunches of daffodils and tulips and given them away to my friends from my magic Garden Shed.
Even as I type, I have rows of grapes sparkling with Super Grow fertilizer sprinkled by kind Farmville Neighbors. The vineyard will probably be ready for harvest tonight, earning me more coins to buy barns and birdbaths.
Life is good on my Farmville farm.
Yes, it's a game, a computer game, a Facebook application.
I don't usually play games, particularly computer and video games. I think they're a colossal waste of time. Poker I like because money's involved. And board games teach kids how to win, lose, count and spell. Those games have a purpose.
Farmville doesn't seem to have one. I love it anyway.
I talk to my Farmville Friends as happily about events in our make-believe world as we garden friends talk about our real-life blossoms and nematodes.
(There are no nematodes in Farmville, by the way.)
"I'd really like to grow blueberries, but they get ripe too fast. They'll dry up before I can get back to harvest them."
"Love your new mailbox!"
"Wow! You got a pink cow! Lucky you!"
When my husband overhears these conversations, he eavesdrops with interest until he catches on.
"You're talking about a game," he says with disdain.
And football and golf are ... what?
I'm not sure how long my infatuation with clicking to plant, clicking to harvest, and decorating my farm with violet fences and elephant topiaries will last. I suspect the end will coincide with the resumption of Daylight Savings Time on March 14.
I haven't been able to putter in my own garden after work since we "fell back" to regular time Nov. 1. It's dark when I get home. If I want garden time on a weekday, I'll have to get up extra early. ... Hmmm. Not.
So I'm planting daffodils and soybeans and looking forward to reaching Level 25, when sunflowers become an option.
Click, click, click. It's just a different way to get my garden Zen on.

Two Tips and Two Tricks for FarmVille

Zynga’s FarmVille has over 67.8 million monthly active users. So we decided to look into what works for all the country tycoons out there. Keep in mind, however, that this is an online game and everything is subject to change, but thus far, the following tips and tricks have proven most useful.
Tip #1 – Knowing What To Buy
Frankly, what you purchase is of crucial importance. Remember, that you do not have a lot of real estate on your farm, so it is wise to think conservatively in regards to what you place where. Granted, you do need decorations for certain Ribbons (achievements), but you can just as easily get them using smaller items such as rest tents or bales of hay. That said, however, these don’t make much money, so it may be wiser to use the space for items that can bring you income.
Discovered on, here is a very useful break down of what trees and animals to buy. Now, trees don’t make you much money, but they provide steady income (as you only buy once and they produce indefinitely). Ideally, you want to only keep what produces over one coin an hour (though 0.5 coins per hour is okay). The Top 5 trees and animals are listed below:
Top Five Earning Trees Per Hour:- Acai: 2.29 coins/hour
- Olive: 1.67 coins/hour
- Date: 0.95 coins/hour
- Pomegranate: 0.90 coins/hour
- Banana: 0.78 coins/hour
Top Five Earning Animals Per Hour:
- Horse: 1.17 coins/hour
- Goat: 1.13 coins/hour
- Duck: 0.94 coins/hour
- Sheep (Black): 0.78 coins/hour
- Pig: 0.63 coins/hour
Overall, these are the items to stick with, though the animals should only be kept to the horse and goat. The only exception to either of these lists is the Cherry Tree and Chicken. The former helps a great deal getting the Ribbon(s) “Knock on Wood” and the latter is extremely small, produces fast, and helps to get the “Zoologist” Ribbon(s).

Now, the aforementioned items were generally passive. However, crops are the backbone of earning and experience gain in FarmVille. We looked around some more and found a website called The Modern Hippy Male. Disregarding the curious name, we did find a useful and recent break down of the best crops to buy for income and for experience. Here are the Top 5 for each:
Top 5 Income Earning Crops:
- Peas (23hr Harvest): Cost – 190 Coins ~ Sale – 381 Coins
- Asparagus (16hr Harvest): Cost – 220 Coins ~ Sale – 357 Coins
- Onion (12hr Harvest): Cost – 170 Coins ~ Sale – 275 Coins
- Grapes (24hr Harvest): Cost – 85 Coins ~ Sale – 270 Coins
- Sugar Cane (8hr Harvest): Cost – 165 Coins ~ Sale – 239 Coins
Top 5 Experience Gaining Crops:
- Black Berries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries
- Aloe Vera, Ghost Chili
- Pumpkin, Tomatoes, Sugar Cane
- Cranberries, Green Tea, Acorn Squash
- Asparagus

Trick #1 – Quick Leveling
Okay, so here’s another trick to help you. Be forewarned, it is expensive, but it will get you leveled quicker if you have the money. This one was found on and did prove rather useful while funds lasted. Start by plowing 10 plots of land and planting them all with soybeans. Then… just delete them all and repeat. It costs 300 coins but earns three experience per plot. Expensive, yes, but very quick in the leveling department. Of course, you don’t have to use 10 plots either, any number will work; ten is just a nice round number.
Trick #2 – Super Gifts
Here’s an interesting one that seems to still be working. Evidently, it is possible to send multiple gifts to the same person in the same day. Using the Firefox browser, go to the “Free Gifts” tab. Then right-click and open “Free Gifts” in a new tab (we tried it with 10 total tabs). Select a gift in each tab, select a person to send them too, then when you have the “Send” prompt on every page, quickly cycle through and send them. If done correctly, they will receive them all, and guess what, they can sell them for coin, and if they send gifts back, so can you. Please note, however, that this may not always work and you will sometimes get errors. It also tends to work better during non-primetime hours.
Again, all of this is subject to change, but if you have any useful tips or tricks, by all means, let us know.

Farmville Facebook Tips

Hey fellow Farmers! Thanks for stopping by my Farmville Facebook Game cheats blog. Im Josh and I love spreading new cheats and tips for the Farmville game.

Today, I wanted to provide some helpful tips for Farmville beginners that need to get off on the right foot.

Tip #1 - Save Money

The first thing I want to talk about, is saving money. As new farmers, we dont have alot of money. And even, if you think you do, you will regret spending a bunch of money on decorations and extra's.

The best thing to do, is to make sure you have your crops in full wing before you spend ANY MONEY on anything that is not needed.

Tip #2 - Fastest Way To Gain Points

This is for beginners - that want to earn the most points possible, as fast as possible.

Basically, you want to plant Raspberries. They have the best dollar and plant to harvest ratios. They do take alot of computer time -BUT, when we first get started, it is O.K. to spend some time on the computer anyways. Atleast, until we get our points and coins and crops built up.

Tip #3 - Ribbons
One of the best ways to get alot of ribbons flowing your way, is to build up your neighbors.

Not only can they give them to you -BUT, you get ribbons for helping them out, for having a certain number of neighbors and for various other neighbor related issues.

These are just a few Farmville Cheats for those that are just getting started.

There's Farmville in Your Phone

You don't need us to tell you that Facebook games are big. Really big. In fact, this week it emerged that the company responsible for FarmVille, Zynga, currently has more than 100 million unique visitors playing its games every month and was named one of Business Week's most intriguing start ups.
And it's not alone. Pet Society has the best part of 22 million users, YoVille has around 20 million. MindJolt Games 15 million. The list goes on and on.
But what does any of this have to do with pocket gaming? Well, the cornerstone of the puzzle is Adobe Flash. Up until now, most mobile phone web browsers have been lacking full Flash compatibility (in spite of the relatively commonplace Flash Lite), which is a fundamental component for viewing rich video and multimedia content.
This includes the likes of YouTube, certain animated web pages and, importantly, browser-based games. All of these types of rich web content have largely been impossible on the majority of mobile handsets, but with the recent release of Adobe Flash 10 for smartphones all that is about to change.
There has been much talk about server-streamed games one day dominating the games industry. Services such as OnLive, GarageGames's InstantAction, and even id's Quake Live have certainly given console manufacturers a lot to think about.
Meanwhile, the reality in the handheld space is that we could be mere months away from an explosion in handset-based social gaming, where gamers log-in to Facebook and similar services to clock up extra thumb time on titles such as FarmVille. The key evolution here is the cross-platform potential of social games. These are games that people already habitually play on their desktop PC when their boss isn't looking. We've come a long way since Minesweeper.
This phenomenon has already been ably demonstrated by Nokia. Despite falling behind on the gaming front by failing to make an impact with its second attempt at the N-Gage, the Finnish giant proved at this year's Nokia World event that it's ahead of the curve with browser-based gaming on mobile handsets.
The hotly anticipated N900 handset will be able to play Facebook games straight out of the box, giving it the opportunity to net a potentially colossal userbase of already active social gamers. Other handsets, notably those running the Android operating system, are sure to follow in the coming months.
This leaves the DS, PSP and the iPhone out of a potentially huge growth area for handheld gaming. Neither the DS nor the PSP have Flash compatible web browsers. So far it seems that among a host of technical issues, the main reason for this has been a lack of necessity for advanced web browsing functionality, which suggests that were the demand for browser-based gaming to become apparent, Sony and Nintendo would not necessarily be resistant to the idea.
Apple, on the other hand, may have painted itself into a corner by taking a hardline stance against Adobe Flash for the iPhone, largely due to the fact that it's a direct competitor to its own QuickTime technology.
Without wanting to succumb to histrionics and doom mongering, perhaps Apple is finally about to reap what it has sown. Maybe Steve Jobs should get some practice in on FarmVille before he plants his next gaming seed.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

How to Get the Most Ribbons in FarmVille

It’s pretty easy to earn a few ribbons in FarmVille. As you just go about your daily tasks, you’ll wind up accomplishing at least some of the early ribbon-worthy tasks. You may notice when you do win one though, that the bonuses they pay out are pretty hefty. You can actually earn a lot of money and experience points quickly if you collect as many ribbons as you can. This is relatively easy to do, but you do have to put some effort into it if you want to get as much as you can out of your FarmVille experience.
Know What You Need
You won’t be able to focus your energies on earning ribbons unless you know what you need to get them. You can find this information easily enough by clicking on the ribbon icon in the lower right hand corner of your screen. This will bring up a list of all of the possible ribbons and show you how you’re progressing in each category.
Pick One
You do have limited resources, particularly when you’re just starting out in FarmVille. Because of this, it’s a good idea to focus on one type of ribbon at a time. Of course, it’s likely that whatever you do to earn those ribbons will help you to earn some other ones as well, but you can focus on those when you get to them.
Which to Pick
Before you decide which set of ribbons to go after first, you should take a few moments to learn what each ribbon category is about. This way, you’ll be able to get a good sense of which ribbons to go for first. For example, the Tree Hugger ribbons require that you harvest fruit from a particular number of unique trees, meaning that to get these, you’ll have to have a variety of different types of trees on your farm.
The Knock on Wood ribbons can be earned by simply harvesting any type of tree a certain number of times. This means that if you focus on earning the Tree Hugger ribbons, you’ll automatically be making progress towards the Knock on Wood ribbons as well. The converse is not necessarily true because you could get the Knock on Wood ribbon for harvesting from only one kind of tree.
Get Some Neighbors
Neighbors help you get ribbons both directly and indirectly. There are ribbons for just having a certain number of neighbors, how many times you help your neighbors out, and how many different types of gifts you receive. All of these categories are easier to progress in the more neighbors you have, so don’t hesitate to hit up your friends and earn some ribbons that way too.

FarmVille Cheats - The FarmVille Hay Bale Cheat

One of my favorite FarmVille cheats is what known around the FarmVille community as the four bale hay cheat. What you do is use four hay bales to form a square where your FarmVille farmer is stuck inside. What this simple cheat does is speed up your game so instead of waiting forever for your character to move from one place to another the game is able to run at full speed.

To pull off this particular FarmVille cheat lay out three hay bales in the very center of your farm and maneuver your Farmville farmer inside of this makeshift trap than once he is in place the fourth bale sealing him in. This FarmVille cheat or technique can be used with a multiple of farm equipment that can form the same box shape. Nice and simple plus a huge time saver so there is the FarmVille hay bale cheat.

How to Level Up Quickly in Farmville

There are more and more people joining the ranks of FarmVille every day. No one can get enough of this game and there are plenty of reasons why. In FarmVille, you can get away from the noise and stress of everyday life. Just relax, plant some seeds, harvest some crops not a bad way to spend an evening. And as you do this, you’ll naturally advance in levels over time.
There may come a time, though, when you want to get a little more out of the game. Every time you move up a level, you unlock new seeds, decorations, and other discretionary items. This means that in order to get the most out of your FarmVille experience, you’ll have to level up quickly to unlock as many items and bonuses as you can.
The Basics
But how do you do this? There are several things to keep in mind if you want to level up quickly in FarmVille. You probably already know that in order to level up, you need to accumulate experience points. For example, each plot of land you plow gets you one experience point. In the early stages of game play, the number of experience points you get by plowing land and planting crops is plenty to allow you to advance at a reasonable pace. Once you get through the initial stages though, you start to need more and more experience points to level up.
Focus on Experience
When you want to build up experience points quickly in FarmVille, you have to supplement what you gain from your normal harvests with other activities. Making improvements to your farm is a good way to gain some quick chunks of experience points. Buildings yield the most, but you can get experience from putting up just about any decoration or structure. You just have to pay close attention to the amounts of experience points each item will deliver.
You should also take experience points into consideration when deciding which crops to plant. Crops that take less than a day to grow only yield 1 experience point, while crops that take longer yield 2. That doesn’t mean you only want to plant crops that offer 2 experience points however. If you can get back and harvest them as soon as they’re ready, crops like strawberries will get you more than 2 experience points a day because you can harvest them every 4 hours.
You have to be on top of your harvesting and planting cycles in order to make progress this way though. Putting up buildings on your farm remains the best way to get big boosts in your experience quickly. Save up your cash for those, and you’ll be well on your way to unlocking all of the available items in FarmVille.

How to Make the Most Money in FarmVille

FarmVille is a great place to go to escape the rigors of everyday life. You can get back to nature and enjoy the peace and tranquility that comes from working on the land. However, not everything in FarmVille is an escape from the ordinary. You still need money for just about everything you do. You have to buy the seeds to plant, and you’ll even have to pay a small sum for each plot of land you plow.
These costs are easily managed of course because you’re harvesting and selling your crops for more than it cost to plant them. There are a lot of other items you can buy in the FarmVille market to decorate and build up your farm, and you won’t be able to get these without some significant sums of cash. Buying these items will also get you some much needed experience points to help you advance to the next level, so you’ll have to find a way to make sure you have enough money for all the discretionary items you want to buy.
Earnings Per Hour
Because you’ll be needing your coins for so much in FarmVille, you need to maximize the earning potential of your farm. The best way to do this is to figure out which crops pay out the most coins per hour. For example, strawberries sell for 35 coins per plot of land harvested and they take 4 hours to grow. Pumpkins, on the other hand, take 8 hours to grow and sell for 68 coins per plot of land harvested.
That means, for the same acreage planted, you’ll earn 8.75 coins per hour by planting strawberries, while the pumpkins will only get you 8.5 coins per hour. This may seem like a small difference, but these small amounts can add up fast. Of course, you won’t be getting your money’s worth unless you can harvest the crops as soon as they’re ready and immediately replant on that land.
A Quick Turnaround
If you’re not going to be able to get back to your farm for 8 hours, you’re much better off planting the pumpkins. The longer you leave a crop after it’s done maturing, the less you’ll be getting per hour once you harvest it. You can only make money fast on crops that mature quickly if you’re going to be able to harvest and replant as soon as they’re ready for sale. Make sure you take these details into consideration when you’re selecting your seeds at the Market, and you’ll be seeing your bank account swelling in no time.

Getting Started in FarmVille

If you’re new to the world of FarmVille, it won’t likely take long for you to figure out why this game has captured the imagination of so many people. There are a ton of options when it comes to what seeds you can grow, what buildings and decorations you can put on your farm, and which types of livestock you choose to raise. Because you do have so many options though, it can be a little difficult at first to figure out where to start in order to develop your farm right.
Expand Slowly
You want to get the most out of your land when you’re working in FarmVille. This means that you’ll want to clear a substantial amount of land so that you can plant as many crops as possible. You do have to be careful about how much land you clear at once though. It costs 15 coins to clear one plot of land, so if you clear too many at once, you won’t have any coins left to buy the seeds you want to plant.
It’s best to slowly expand your plowed plots of land so that you’re always able to take full advantage of their planting potential. After each harvest, it’s a good idea to replant on all of your current plots first. Once you’ve done this it will be much easier to figure out how much more land you can afford to clear this time around. Following this pattern will quickly allow you to expand your farm while ensuring that you always have enough money to plant on all of your cleared plots.
Plan Your Harvests
Another aspect of FarmVille that it can be tough to get the hang of at first is timing your harvests right. Each crop you plant in the game will take a particular amount of time to mature. Once a crop is mature, you can harvest it. But don’t wait too long. If you don’t get back in time, your crops will wither and you’ll just have to plow the land again and start over. It’s important to plan your plantings so that you’ll be able to get back to check on your farm before this happens.
One of the great things about FarmVille is that you can take it as seriously as you want to take it. If you only want to log in once a week, that’s fine. Just make sure you plant crops that will last that long. Once you start playing though, it’s not likely you’ll be able to stay away for very long.