Friday, May 1, 2015

Facebook Games: Farmville Guidelines, Cheats And Tricks By Zinga

Here is a record of the numerous actions that will help you to make your way through the high levels of Farmville by Zinga, this thrilling game that all geeks and average Joe and Jane at Facebook are talking so much about. So come and let’s see how you can develop your gaming skills.
I’ve been playing Farmville by Zinga over the last couple of weeks and even though I was ok at the start, advancing a pair of levels, it was not until I used this cheats and actions when I actually master my act.
Personally I’m not a great fan of these games where you just gather things and wait what happens. It never has got me that much achievement on opposition to the first person shooting games. But I never could had projected that Farmville by Zinga enthralled my interest and time so much. Maybe, and most possibly, has to do with the fact that I have hundreds of acquaintances on Facebook and almost 20% of them is playing this game… so, the Battle Spine surface, and I always would like to win, I mean, I would like to strike all these folks!
So, here are some things that I’ve figured and some actions that I took from others:
Having more neighbors is fantastic, not only because you won’t be on your own anymore on the farmhouse but because they help you out in several everyday jobs like collecting leaves, avoid your plants to be eaten, and all this will provide you more cash, gain favors and get more for it, and so on.

Exchanging assistance with your acquaintances is a chore that also gives you more points.
Don’t use much decorations. Every now and then you would like to expand the size of your farm and this garland steals space and you can’t end these proceedings. I mean, you won’t discern where to leave them. I propose that you make your farm big enough to start to consider getting any decoration.
Worst thing about decorations is that they facilitate you out on your ranch but they won’t grant you much funds if you make a decision to sell them. You can buy one decoration, say a Whitewash Barrier for $500 and get only $25 if you sell it.
Rabbit skin is a winner, you get $60 every time you sell that skin. Actually it gives you twice the cash you receive from a sheep skin ($28).
You guys get $8 bucks when you accumulate Hen eggs and $6 bucks when you milk your cow, lol.
There are some more sophisticated cheats and actions that I’ll be sharing with you soon. This post was only for you to know what to have and want to don’t have in your ranch, but there are other tricks that truly gives you money.
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Facebook users find plenty of joy in Farmville

I have won ribbons for being a Green Thumb, a Tree Hugger, a Crop Whisperer and Cream of the Crop.
I've harvested perfect bunches of daffodils and tulips and given them away to my friends from my magic Garden Shed.
Even as I type, I have rows of grapes sparkling with Super Grow fertilizer sprinkled by kind Farmville Neighbors. The vineyard will probably be ready for harvest tonight, earning me more coins to buy barns and birdbaths.
Life is good on my Farmville farm.
Yes, it's a game, a computer game, a Facebook application.
I don't usually play games, particularly computer and video games. I think they're a colossal waste of time. Poker I like because money's involved. And board games teach kids how to win, lose, count and spell. Those games have a purpose.
Farmville doesn't seem to have one. I love it anyway.
I talk to my Farmville Friends as happily about events in our make-believe world as we garden friends talk about our real-life blossoms and nematodes.
(There are no nematodes in Farmville, by the way.)
"I'd really like to grow blueberries, but they get ripe too fast. They'll dry up before I can get back to harvest them."
"Love your new mailbox!"
"Wow! You got a pink cow! Lucky you!"
When my husband overhears these conversations, he eavesdrops with interest until he catches on.
"You're talking about a game," he says with disdain.
And football and golf are ... what?
I'm not sure how long my infatuation with clicking to plant, clicking to harvest, and decorating my farm with violet fences and elephant topiaries will last. I suspect the end will coincide with the resumption of Daylight Savings Time on March 14.
I haven't been able to putter in my own garden after work since we "fell back" to regular time Nov. 1. It's dark when I get home. If I want garden time on a weekday, I'll have to get up extra early. ... Hmmm. Not.
So I'm planting daffodils and soybeans and looking forward to reaching Level 25, when sunflowers become an option.
Click, click, click. It's just a different way to get my garden Zen on.